
Genealogy Request Form

Thanks for taking the time to fill out our Genealogy Request Form. We will attempt to answer all questions, such as birth and death information, location of deceased in cemetery, and any other miscellaneous information you provide in your request.


Due to periods of incomplete data (information not provided to the funeral home by family members during previous decades), not all data desired is available. Therefore, results may reveal all of the information sought, some of it, or in some instances, no information at all.


Patron Information:


All searches are made of Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home & Crematory records only and do not include such sources as obituaries or death certificates. All genealogy requests are answered by email only. They are completed in the order in which they are received (if our search turns up empty-handed, we will notify you of this via email.)


Please complete (as much as possible) the information on the form below and select 'Submit Request' at the end to send the request to us.


If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home & Crematory at: (757) 583-0177.




NOTE: Fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required. Any information you submit will be held in the strictest confidence - we do not release any information to outside parties under any circumstances.


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